berjumpa lagi kawan kali ini sayang pengen berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan alias pernah di nyobain
sendiri dengan itu kawan jang ragu dan jang risau tuk bisa nyobainnya
mungkin kawan juga udah ga asing lagi dengan aplikasi yang satu ini alias udah kenal banget dengan aplikasi rom tool box
namun kawan belum tau pungsi dan kegunannya,sebenarnya aplikasi ini sangat sungguh banyak bnget fungsinya kalau kalian tahu.
fungsinya di antaralain sebagu berikut :
ROM Management
☆ Install ROMs & themes. AOKP, CyanogenMod and other popular ROMs included.
☆ Create, manage & restore nandroid backups
☆ Wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache, battery stats
☆ Install multiple ROMs & ZIPs from your SD card
App Manager
☆ Batch backup & restore apps and their data
☆ Schedule backups to run at a certain time
☆ Restore apps from nandroid backups
☆ Backup/Restore text messages, bookmarks, accounts, etc.
☆ Backup your apps to dropbox
☆ Freeze/Defrost system & user apps
☆ Backup/restore Android Market link
☆ Task manager
☆ Automated batch uninstaller
☆ E-mail your apps to friends
☆ Move any user app to the SD card
☆ Clean up dalvik-cache
☆ Zipalign, fix permissions, wipe data & cache, force close any app
Root Explorer
☆ Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).
☆ Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
☆ Change file permissions and ownership
☆ View, edit & share files
☆ File manager with two panels for easier management
Scripter & Terminal Emulator
☆ Create and run scripts as root
☆ Set your scripts to run at-boot
Auto Start Manager
☆ Enable/disable apps that run on start-up
☆ Enable/disable any broadcast receiver, activity or service
☆ Reboot recovery, powerdown, bootloader, restart status bar, etc.
Font Installer
☆ Install custom fonts from a huge list or from your sdcard
☆ Set fonts as favorites & send them to friends
Boot Animation Installer
☆ Install custom boot animations from a huge collection or from your sdcard
☆ Preview boot animations
☆ Create a boot animation from a GIF file
☆ Have a new random boot animation each time you boot-up!
Theme Manager & Statusbar Icon Changer
☆ Create and install full themes (MetaMorph compatible)
☆ Customize your status bar by installing custom icons for wifi, signal, gps, etc.
☆ Change your battery icons in the status bar to a custom one from a list of 200+
Boot Logo Changer
☆ Change your boot logo for supported phones
Theme Chooser Themes
☆ View a list of themes for the TMobile Theme Chooser
☆ SetCPU & scaling governor
☆ CPU Profiles
☆ Kernel tweaks to speed up performance
Build.prop Editor
☆ Easily edit your build.prop
☆ Change lcd density, improve battery life, increase performance
Auto Memory Manager
☆ Set minfree values & select from presets. Apply values at boot
SD Booster
☆ Increase the speed of your SD card
Contacts - Backup call log and sms
SMS - Backup call log and sms
Accounts - Backup and restore from Google Drive
☆ Install ROMs & themes. AOKP, CyanogenMod and other popular ROMs included.
☆ Create, manage & restore nandroid backups
☆ Wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache, battery stats
☆ Install multiple ROMs & ZIPs from your SD card
App Manager
☆ Batch backup & restore apps and their data
☆ Schedule backups to run at a certain time
☆ Restore apps from nandroid backups
☆ Backup/Restore text messages, bookmarks, accounts, etc.
☆ Backup your apps to dropbox
☆ Freeze/Defrost system & user apps
☆ Backup/restore Android Market link
☆ Task manager
☆ Automated batch uninstaller
☆ E-mail your apps to friends
☆ Move any user app to the SD card
☆ Clean up dalvik-cache
☆ Zipalign, fix permissions, wipe data & cache, force close any app
Root Explorer
☆ Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).
☆ Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
☆ Change file permissions and ownership
☆ View, edit & share files
☆ File manager with two panels for easier management
Scripter & Terminal Emulator
☆ Create and run scripts as root
☆ Set your scripts to run at-boot
Auto Start Manager
☆ Enable/disable apps that run on start-up
☆ Enable/disable any broadcast receiver, activity or service
☆ Reboot recovery, powerdown, bootloader, restart status bar, etc.
Font Installer
☆ Install custom fonts from a huge list or from your sdcard
☆ Set fonts as favorites & send them to friends
Boot Animation Installer
☆ Install custom boot animations from a huge collection or from your sdcard
☆ Preview boot animations
☆ Create a boot animation from a GIF file
☆ Have a new random boot animation each time you boot-up!
Theme Manager & Statusbar Icon Changer
☆ Create and install full themes (MetaMorph compatible)
☆ Customize your status bar by installing custom icons for wifi, signal, gps, etc.
☆ Change your battery icons in the status bar to a custom one from a list of 200+
Boot Logo Changer
☆ Change your boot logo for supported phones
Theme Chooser Themes
☆ View a list of themes for the TMobile Theme Chooser
☆ SetCPU & scaling governor
☆ CPU Profiles
☆ Kernel tweaks to speed up performance
Build.prop Editor
☆ Easily edit your build.prop
☆ Change lcd density, improve battery life, increase performance
Auto Memory Manager
☆ Set minfree values & select from presets. Apply values at boot
SD Booster
☆ Increase the speed of your SD card
Contacts - Backup call log and sms
SMS - Backup call log and sms
Accounts - Backup and restore from Google Drive
bannyak kan kawan saya juga pusing bacanya juga.namun kalau di bahas ke seluruhan di lain waktu aja,namun sekarang yang akan kita bahas ialah pasang font dengan rom toll box
dengan ini sangatlah mudah saat prosesnya
dari pada pusing dengerin saya ngoceh mendingan kita langsung aja youk ke carannya
1 . yang pastilah kudu punya dulu aplikasinya kalau belum punya saya suka relawan ngasih ko aplikasinya tapi maaf saya menggunakan playstore ga bisa langsung di download di google monggo yang berminat
2 . kalau sudah punya dan di install masung ke aplikasinya tersebut
3 . kawan kan di bawa ke tampilanm seperti gambar di atas setelah itu
4 . kawan geser tampilannya ke sebalh kanan sampai mentok seperti tampilan gambar di bawah ini
5 . kalau sudah pilih FONT INSTALLER lalu kawan pasati di bawa atau atau di suruh pilih font mana yang kawan suka
6 . setelah sudah ada yang di ingin kan pilih pasti kan ada tampilan pop pup kawang tinggal pilih install
7 . lalu Oke dech tunggu sampai selesai...kalau sudah selesai biasanya sich hp kawan kan reboot sendiri dan apablia tindak reboot maka harus di reboot manual sama kawannya...
da jengjreng font kawan sudah gantikan.
merubah font menggunakan aplikasi ini gak selalu berhasil,kalau beruntung ya selamat kalau gak ya mungkin bisa di kobalagi..tapi kebnyakan sch berhasil,biasanya aplikasi ini tidak work pada custom rom tertentu yang di sana sudah menyediakan font bawaannya dari custom rom tersebut..
sekian ...